Hey there! I’m Lianna, a UI/UX Designer based in Philadelphia
I’m a fourth-year student at Drexel University where I’m studying User Experience and Interaction Design. I’m also simultaneously pursuing a master's degree in Digital Media.
🎯 My goal is to create meaningful and lasting impacts on people's lives through enthusiastic curiosity and empathy-driven design.
A bit more about me 🙋🏻‍♀️
I discovered the UX field when I was trying to find a field that perfectly encompasses the intersectionality of art, technology, and psychology. I’ve always had a thirst for making a change in people’s lives, and eventually, society. After studying UX for four years, completing 3 design internships, and loving every second of it, I truly feel like I’ve found a passion that quenches that thirst.
Most recently, I’ve worked at NeuroFlow as a marketing designer and Perpay as a Product Designer. My hands-on experience, ranging from designing webpages for client acquisition to leading the end-to-end design of digital products, has equipped me with a versatile skill set and the capability to address a wide spectrum of challenges.
🎶 Playing 5 instruments*
🪩 Dancing
🍡 Having a sweet treat
*Disclaimer: Quality of performance varies dramatically by instrument...